“For we are laborers together with God…”
1 Corinthians 3:9
“Our Mission is to help God-called men plant Baptist churches and to assist pastors in building healthy, dynamic, visionary congregations."
To assist Christian educational institutions (Bible colleges, seminaries, etc.) in encouraging and training men to plant independent Baptist churches. The need is both to share the burden of church planting and to help prepare men, while in school, for future church planting endeavors.
To mentor church planters as they arrive on the field. The needs are manifold: selecting a meeting location, finances, organizational structure, marketing, legal matters, evangelism and discipleship strategies, preaching, and leadership development.
To help local churches in need of ministry training and motivation. Seminars and conferences have been designed to address specific ministry needs within the local church: missions conferences, stewardship, leadership, discipleship, Sunday school, marriage enrichment, deacon training, and staff training.
To aid American missionaries and foreign national pastors with church planting and church health needs outside of the USA.
To make available to pastors in the United States ministry materials and lay training programs designed to promote healthy, vibrant churches. Seminars are hosted by local churches in various locations, designed to train pastors, staff, and lay leadership.
To facilitate the church planting process by raising and providing Seed Money (funds to be used for start-up expenses such as relocation, printing, marketing, and facility cost) to qualified men.
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